APEng GmbH


APEng GmbH

2023 Roller Coaster - Tusenfryd / Norwegen

Roller Coaster (Inverted Infinity Coaster) Storm

Customer: Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Münsterhausen / Germany

Services:   Engineering and programming

                   Cabinet and software tests

                  Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Proface HMI, Intrasys Launch system, ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2021 Roller Coaster - Tokyo / Japan

Roller Coaster (Inverted Coaster) Lipovitan Rocket☆Luna

Customer: Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:  Münsterhausen / Germany

Services:   Engineering and programming

                  Cabinet and software tests

                 Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Proface HMI, SEW frequency converters, ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2021 Giant Wheel - Münsterhausen / Germany

Giant Wheel

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Münsterhausen / Germany

Services:    Control system update

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Proface HMI, Siemens frequency

                        converters, ethernet networks​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2020-2021 Pharmaplant - Lengnau / Switzerland

Pharma plant

Customer:  Sigren Engineering AG, Winterthur / Switzerland

Location:   CSL Behring AG, Lengnau / Switzerland

Services:    Commissioning support

Equipment: Siemens PLC, Siemens HMI, Schneide frequency converters,

                        DALI light systems and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2020 Roller Coaster - Bellewaerde / Belgium

Roller Coaster (Family Coaster) / Wakala

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Bellewaerde Park, Ieper / Belgium

Services:    Engineering and programming

                    Cabinet and software tests

                    Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

                       converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2019 Roller Coaster - New Jersey / USA

Roller Coaster (Lauched Euro Fighter) / Shellraiser

Customer:   Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:    American Dream Meadowlands / USA

Services:     Engineering and programming

                     Cabinet and software tests

                     Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

            Intrasys launch system

APEng GmbH

2019 Roller Coaster - New Jersey / USA

Roller Coaster (Spinning Coaster) / Shredder

Costomer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   American Dream Meadowlands / USA

Services:    Engineeringandprogramming

                    Cabinet and software tests

                   Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2019 Avalanche Trigger - Schwanden / Switzerland

Avalanche Trigger (LM32)

Costomer:   Inauen Schätti, Schwanden / Switzerland

Location:    Switzerland

Services:     Engineering and risk assessment for an avalanche trigger system

APEng GmbH

2019 Indoor Roller Coaster - Tokyo / Japan

Roller Coaster (Launched Familiy Caoster) / Back Daaan

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:    Tokyo Dome, Tokyo / Japan

Services:     Engineering and programming

                     Cabinet and software tests

                     Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

                       converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2019 Inspection service - Dubai / UAE

Third party inspection service for ECO Middle East

Customer:   ECO Middle East Dubai / UAE

Location:    Dubai / UAE

Services:    Amusement ride inspection according American and International

                    regualtions and norms. 

APEng GmbH

2019 Round Ride - Legoland / Japan

Round Ride (Skyfly) / Flying Ninjago

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:    Legoland Japan, Nagoya / Japan

Services:     Remote commissioning support

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Proface HMI, SEW frequency

                       converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2018 Round Ride - Dubai / UAE

Round Ride (Skyfly) / Fly France

Costomer:   Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:    Global Village, Dubai / UAE

Services:     Support on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Proface HMI, SEW frequency

                        converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2018 Swing Ride - Yonginsi / South Korea

Swing Ride / Columbus Adventure

Costomer:   Huss / Germany

Location:    Everland, Yonginsi / South Korea

Services:     Service on site

Equipment: Siemens PLC, Siemens HMI, Siemens DC Drives, ethernet network

APEng GmbH

2018 Swing Ride - Yonginsi / South Korea

Swing Ride (Top Spin) / Double Rock Spin

Customer:   Huss / Germany

Location:      Everland, Yonginsi / South Korea

Services:       Service on site

Equipment:  Rockwell PLC, Rockwell HMI, Rockwell frequency converters

                         ethernet networks​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2018 Roller Coaster - Wavre / Belguim

Roller Coaster (Bobsled Coaster) / Tika-Waka

Customer:   Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:    Walibi Belguim, Wavre / Belgium

Services:     Engineering and programming

                     Cabinet and software tests

                     Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

                       converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2017 Roller Coaster - Slagharen / Holland

Roller Coaster (Launch Coaster) / Gold Rush

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:    Slagharen, Slagharen / Holland

Services:     Engineering, programming and electrical schematics with EPLAN P8

                     Cabinet and software tests

                    Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​            Intrasys launch system​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2017 Round Ride - Kansas City / USA

Round Ride (Condor) / Falcons Flight

Customer:   Huss / Germany

Location:    World of Fun, Kansas City / USA

Services:     Engineering and programming

                     Commissioning on site

Equipment: Siemens PLC, Siemens HMI, Siemens frequency

                       converters, ethernet and profinet networks​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2016 Roller Coaster - Tokyo / Japan

Roller Coaster (Spinning Coaster) / Spin Runway

Customer:   Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:    Yomiuriland, Tokyo / Japan

Services:     Engineering, programming and electrical schematics with EPLAN P8

                     Cabinet and software tests

                     Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

                       converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2016 Round Ride - Nimtofte / Denmark

Round Ride (Polyp) / Soulken

Customer:   Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:    Djurs Sommerland, Nimtofte / Denmark

Services:     Engineering and programming

                     Cabinet and software tests

                     Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

                        converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2016 Round Ride - Danang / Vietnam

Round Ride (Rodeo) / Fireflies Forest

Customer:   Huss / Germany

Location:     AsiaPark, Danang / Vietnam

Services:      Service on site

Equipment: Siemens PLC, Siemens HMI

APEng GmbH

2016 Round Ride - Danang / Vietnam

Round Ride / Shanghai 1920

Customer:   Huss / Germany

Location:    AsiaPark, Danang / Vietnam

Services:    Service on site

Equipment: Siemens PLC, Siemens HMI​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2016 Round Ride - Fujijoshida / Japan

Round Ride (Skyroller) / Tentekomai

Customer:   Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:    FujiQ Highland, Fujijoshida / Japan

Services:     Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

             converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2016 Round Ride - Sagamiko / Japan

Round Ride (Skyfly) / Gokuraku Pilot

Customer:   Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:    Sagamiko / Japan

Services:     Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

             converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2015 Roller Coaster - Anaheim / USA

Roller Coaster (Shuttle Family Coaster) / Rewind Racers

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Adventure City, Anaheim / USA

Services:    Engineering and programming

            Electrical schematics with EPLAN P8

            Cabinet and software tests

            Erection of steel contruction

            Commissioning on site, inspeciton local third party inspectors

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

                       converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2014 -Swing Ride, FujiQ Highland / Japan

Swing Ride (Giant Frisbee) / Pizza-La

Costomer:   Huss / Germany

Location:    FujiQ Highland / Japan

Services:    Control system retrofit

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, Rockwell frequency

            converters, devicenet, Modbus and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2014 Public bath, Glarus / Switzerland

Public bath

Costomer:   Oswald Electric, Netstal / Switzerland

Location:    Glarus / Switzerland

Services:    Replacement of control system

Equipment: Siemens PLC and HMI

APEng GmbH

2014 Electrical drawings / Switzerland

Electrical drawings EPLAN P8

Costomer: J.Schneeberger Maschinen AG, Roggwil / Switzerland

Services:  Engineering and drawings

Equipment: EPLAN P8

APEng GmbH

2013 Lime oven - Netstal / Switzerland

Lime oven retrofit

Customer:  Maerz Ofenbau / Switzerland

Location:   Kalkfabrik, Netstal / Switzerland

Services:    Engineering and electrical drawings with EPLAN P8

            Risk assessment and documents

            Programming Pilz safety PLC

Equipment: Pilz safety PLC, Siemens S7

APEng GmbH

2013 Swing Ride, Bobbejaan / Belgium

Swing Ride (Giant Frisbee) / Sledge Hammer

Costomer:   Huss / Germany

Location:    Bobbejaanland / Belguim

Services:    Service on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, Rockwell frequency

            converters, devicenet, Modbus and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2013 Roller Coaster - Cleebron / Germany

Roller Coaster (Launched Euro Fighter) / Karacho

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Tripsdrill, Cleebronn / Germany

Services:    Engineering and programming

            Electrical schematics with EPLAN P8

            Cabinet and software tests

            Commissioning on site, inspection from TUV

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2013 Roller Coaster - Mexico City / Mexico

Roller Coaster (Spinning coaster) / Jocker

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Six Flags Mexico, Mexico City / Mexico

Services:    After movement of the ride to a new location

            Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2012 Roller Coaster - Tokyo / Japan

Roller Coaster (Launched Spinning coaster) / Gekion Live Coaster

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Joypolise, Tokyo / Japan

Services:    Engineering and programming

            Electrical schematics with EPLAN P8

            Cabinet and software tests

            Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2012 Roller Coaster - Madrid / Spain

Roller Coaster (Family Coaster) / Train de la mina

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Parque de Atracttiones, Madrid / Spain

Services:    Engineering and programming

            Electrical schematics with EPLAN P8

            Cabinet and software tests

            Commissioning on site, inspection from TUV

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2012 Round Ride - Legoland / Germany

Round Ride (Skyfly) / Flying Ninjago

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Legoland Günzburg / Germany

Services:    Software updates on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Proface HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2012 Round Ride - Bloomington / USA

Round Ride (Skyfly) / Shell Shock

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Mall of America, Bloomington, MN / USA

Services:    Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Proface HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2012 Roller Coaster - Fujijoshida / Japan

Roller Coaster (Lauched Euro Fighter) / Takabisha

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   FujiQ Highland, Fujijoshida / Japan

Services:    Upgrad services on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

            Intrasys launch system

​​​​​​​            LECH fly wheels

APEng GmbH

2011 Roller Coaster - Hershey / USA

Roller Coaster / Super Dooper Looper

Customer:  Hershey Park / USA

Location:   Hershey Park / USA

Services:    Engineering, electrical drawings EPLAN P8 and programming

            Cabinet and software tests

Equipment: Rockwell PLC 5, Rockwell HMI, Rockwell DC drives

             DH+ networks

APEng GmbH

2011 Roller Coaster - Bottrop / Germany

Roller Coaster (Bobsled coaster)

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Moviepark Bottrop / Germany

Services:    Engineering and programming

            Cabinet and software tests

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2011 Electrical drawings / Switzerland

Electrical drawings EPLAN P8 for Ink Jet Machine

Costomer:   Fritz Landolt AG, Näfels / Switzerland

Services:    Engineering and drawings with EPLAN 

Equipment: EPLAN P8​​​​​​​

APEng GmbH

2011 Roller Coaster - Fujijoshida / Japan

Roller Coaster (Lauched Euro Fighter) / Takabisha

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   FujiQ Highland, Fujijoshida / Japan

Services:    Engineering and programming

            Cabinet and software tests

            Commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks​​​​​​​

            Intrasys launch system

​​​​​​​            LECH fly wheels

APEng GmbH

2011 Electrical drawings / Switzerland

Electrical drawings EPLAN 5

Costomer:   J.Schneeberger Maschinen AG, Roggwil / Switzerland

Services:    Engineering and drawings for Audi Germany

Equipment: EPLAN 5

APEng GmbH

2011 Roller Coaster - Salem / USA

Roller Coaster (Euro Fighter) / Berg Achterbahn

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Canobie Lake Park, Salem / USA

Services:    Cabinet and software tests

Equipment: Pilz safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2011 Roller Coaster - Ruhpolding / Germany

Roller Coaster (Family coaster) / Berg Achterbahn

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Freizeitpark Ruhpolding / Deutschland

Services:    Engineering and electrical schematics with EPLAN P8

            Cabinet and software tests

            Commissioning on site, inspection from TUV

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2011 Roller Coaster - Sierksdorf / Germany

Roller Coaster (Family coaster) / Die Schlange von Midgard

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Hansapark, Sierksdorf / Deutschland

Services:    Commissioning on site, inspection from TUV

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2011 Swing Ride (Giant Frisbee) - Nagashima / Japan

Swing Ride (Giant Frisbee)

Customer:  Huss / Germany

Location:   Nagashima Spaland / Japan

Services:    Troubleshooting and services on site

Equipment: Rockwell guard logix, Rockwell frequency converters

APEng GmbH

2010 Paper transport and wrapping - Nantong / China

Paper roll wrapping and transport systems

Customer:  RCS Brugg / Switzerland

Location:   Oji Paper, Nantong / China

Services:    Engineering and electrical drawings with EPLAN P8

            Comissioning hydraulic systems, transport belts, safety systems

Equipment: Siemens S7, Zenon touchpanel, ethernet, profibus and ASI bus

APEng GmbH

2010 Stone Mill - Netstal / Switzerland

Stone mill and transport system

Customer:  Maerz Ofenbau / Switzerland

Location:   Kalkfabrik, Netstal / Switzerland

Services:    Engineering and electrical drawings with EPLAN P8

Equipment: Siemens PLC, ABB frequency converters and softstarters,

            profibus and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2010 Roller Coaster - Leipzig / Germany

Roller Coaster (Euro Fighter) / Huracan

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Belantis, Leipzig / Deutschland

Services:    Commissioning on site, inspection from TUV

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2010 Roller Coaster installation / Irak

Installation for Roller Coasters

Customer:  Swiss Engineering company

Location:   Irak

Services:    Engineering and electrical drawings with EPLAN P8

            Installaton support on site

APEng GmbH

2010 Roller Coaster simulation / Switzerland

Simulation software for Roller Coasters

Customer:  APEngineering / Switzerland

Location:   Switzerland

Services:    Simulation software development for new and existing rides

APEng GmbH

2010 Paper transport systems - Dresden / Germany

Paper roll transport units, labelling and printing equipment

Customer:  RCS Brugg / Switzerland

Location:   Dresden Papier, Heidenau / Deutschland

Services:    Engineering and electrical drawings with EPLAN P8

            Comissioning hydraulic systems, transport belts, safety systems

Equipment: Siemens S7, Zenon touchpanel, ethernet, profibus and ASI bus

APEng GmbH

2010 Paper transport units - Pieta / Sweden

Paper roll transport units, labelling and printing equipment

Customer:  RCS Brugg / Switzerland

Location:   Smurfit, Kappa, Pieta / Sweden

Services:    Comissioning hydraulic systems, transport belts, safety systems

Equipment: Siemens S7-400, ABB ACS 800, ethernet, profibus and ASI bus

APEng GmbH

2010 Hospital - Liestal / Switzerland

Visualisierung der HLK und USV

Customer:  KKT Kraus GmbH / Germany

Location:   Kantonsspital Liestal / Switzerland

Services:    Update visualisation for HLK units

Equipment: Proface and copadata software zenon V6.21

APEng GmbH

2009 Roller Coaster - Sierksdorf / Germany

Roller Coaster (Euro Fighter) / Fluch von Novgorod

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Hansapark / Sierksdorf , Deutschland

Services:    Software, cabinet tests, commissioning on site, inspection from TUV

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

            Intrasys LSM launch system

APEng GmbH

2009 Roller Coaster - Minden / Germany

Suspended coaster / Turbodrachen

Customer:  Swiss Engineering company

Location:   Pottpark / Minden Germany

Services:    Software, cabinet tests, commissioning on site, inspection from TUV

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, NORD frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2008 Roller Coaster - San Francisco / USA

Roller Coaster (spinning coaster) / Tony Hawk big spin

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, San Francisco / USA

Services:    Software, cabinet tests, commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2008 Roller Coaster - Thorpe Park / England

Roller Coaster (Euro Fighter) / Saw the ride

Costomer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Thorpe Park, London / England

Services:   Engineering, programming software, cabinet tests,

            commissioning on site, inspection from HSEC

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2008 Roller Coaster - Dallas / USA

Roller Coaster (spinning coaster) / Tony Hawk big spin

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Six Flags over Dallas, Texas / USA

Services:   Engineering, programming software, cabinet tests,

            commissioning on site, inspection from HSEC

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2008 Wooden Roller Coaster - Faarup / Denmark

Roller Coaster / Falcon

Customer:   Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:    Farup Sommerland / Denmark

Services:     Software changes on site

Equipment:  Pilz safety PLC

APEng GmbH

2008 Roller Coaster - Faarup / Denmark

Launch Coaster / Lynet

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Farup Sommerland / Denmark

Services:    Engineering, programming software, cabinet tests,

            commissioning on site, inspection from TUV

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

            Intrasys LSM launch system

APEng GmbH

2007 Roller Coaster - San Antonio / USA

Roller Coaster (spinning coaster) / Tony Hawk big spin

Customer:   Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:    Six Flags Fiesta Texas, San Antonio / USA

Services:    Software, cabinet tests, commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

             converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2007 Roller Coaster - St.Louis / USA

Roller Coaster (spinning coaster) / Tony Hawk big spin

Customer:  Gerstlauer Amusement Rides / Germany

Location:   Six Flags St.Louis, Missouri / USA

Services:    Software, cabinet tests, commissioning on site

Equipment: Rockwell safety PLC, Rockwell HMI, SEW frequency

            converters, devicenet and ethernet networks

APEng GmbH

2007 Paperplant - Mishima / Japan

Paper transport- and wrapping system

Customer:   RCS Brugg / Switzerland

Location:    Daio Paper Mishima / Japan

Services:    Engineering and software development, cabinet tests,

            commissioning on site

Equipment: Mitsubishi PLC, Siemens frequency converters, Melsecnet

            ethernet, Profibus, ASI bus, RS232 networks, Fanuc robots

APEng GmbH

2007 Roller Coaster - Serverum / Holland

Roller Coaster (wooden coaster) / Troy

Customer:   Swiss engineering company

Location:    Toverland, Sevenum / Holland

Services:    Engineering and programming

Equipment: Simens safety PLC, Simens HMI, Siemens frequency

            converters, ethernet networks

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